Intuitive Writing Samples
When we connect Higher Self to Higher Self or Source to Higher Self
every single message contains incredible insight, wisdom, and inspiration!
every single message contains incredible insight, wisdom, and inspiration!
Message from the Arabian Sea
Step into the solitude, restorative waters of my presence; allow my waves to wash over you; cleansing you of that which no longer serves you; healing you from within; and restoring your soul. Listen to my melody as I sing the chorus of your “being” – you hear the power within as it causes a stirring; an awakening, and you feel the peace flow over you; through you. . . cascading in ripples over and through the depths of your weary heart. Your awareness is brought to the realization that truth lies in the state of being one with self; centered and balanced; filled with not only love for others, but love for self as well. Release expectations for they are the source of disillusionment and frustration; expectations do not allow for free-flowing movement as they place unnecessary restraints on what is possible. Consider how completely residing in a presence moment would bring you to a place of inner contentment; there are no expectations for outcome, only joy in what unfolds. The fear-based illusions placed upon oneself by others or yourself are simply methods of attempting to control that which was never designed to be controlled. These thoughts, beliefs and impositions are a mere perceived reality. The truth seeker is aware of the emotions and feelings connected to thought process and steps into a state of standing in the empowered knowledge that the time for overthinking has passed; the time for mindful contemplation about what simply feels true and good has arrived. Once you have released the grip of thought-based reactions, you open the door and pave the way for heart-based responses. Move through life carrying the heart and soul of the waters filled with the greatest power of all: love. For it is IN love that YOU love.
Step into the solitude, restorative waters of my presence; allow my waves to wash over you; cleansing you of that which no longer serves you; healing you from within; and restoring your soul. Listen to my melody as I sing the chorus of your “being” – you hear the power within as it causes a stirring; an awakening, and you feel the peace flow over you; through you. . . cascading in ripples over and through the depths of your weary heart. Your awareness is brought to the realization that truth lies in the state of being one with self; centered and balanced; filled with not only love for others, but love for self as well. Release expectations for they are the source of disillusionment and frustration; expectations do not allow for free-flowing movement as they place unnecessary restraints on what is possible. Consider how completely residing in a presence moment would bring you to a place of inner contentment; there are no expectations for outcome, only joy in what unfolds. The fear-based illusions placed upon oneself by others or yourself are simply methods of attempting to control that which was never designed to be controlled. These thoughts, beliefs and impositions are a mere perceived reality. The truth seeker is aware of the emotions and feelings connected to thought process and steps into a state of standing in the empowered knowledge that the time for overthinking has passed; the time for mindful contemplation about what simply feels true and good has arrived. Once you have released the grip of thought-based reactions, you open the door and pave the way for heart-based responses. Move through life carrying the heart and soul of the waters filled with the greatest power of all: love. For it is IN love that YOU love.
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by filling out the form on my Contact page.
A Universal Message from Source
The flow begins within – the heart shines as it expands and reaches out to the four corners of the earth. It is the strongest and brightest at its center for the center is that in which the divine connection resides. As each soul awakens, as each soul remembers, the spark is lit and the connection to divinity is revealed and remembered. The result is an illumination which burns brightly; becoming a beacon – a magnet – to those who cross paths with the soul emitting the spark. The circle has no beginning and no end. The circle is complete. This signifies the coming together and culmination of – the completeness of returning to – awareness – returning to wholeness. The light of the center is the light of the source. This is where and how it begins. Each experience, each memory, in essence, will expand the size as well as the brightness of the center. The impact is far-reaching – the firmer one stands in their truth – the deeper and broader the magnitude of this reaching. There are no limits – there are no boundaries – it illuminates in all directions and the circle widens. Each has their own peace of illumination connected to the one opening the pathway for the next and the circle widens – all encompassing of the earth’s existence. The rays become brighter and brighter as each becomes one and the fulfillment of the divine plan for creation is realized. There are no shadows within the rays – only on the outside looking in. As more are awakened to remembrance; the outside shadows are filled with light until the circle is complete. The illustration of X or cross as some will equate it with will dissipate. The expansion is increasing, the masses are awakening; complete wholeness within the self is being achieved and the knowing of oneness is accepted and embraced and shared. The Divine source is that from within – that which is the spark fully realized and shared. It is imperative these lights are not extinguished or hidden any longer; it is THE moment which brings forth an awakened existence. BE the center; BE the rays. BE.
Message from Malachite November (11) 21, 2021
Greetings from the depths of earth’s core, the very place where wisdom and knowledge of the ancients resides and is dispersed into the beings derived from the magnificent source created in to gemstones. I come to you today to share with you a message of great healing and great transformation. Humanity is in the process of dynamic growth and magnificent change, and I am here to assist those who choose to be a part of this transformative energy. There are many tools at your disposal for use in this process, and crystals and gemstones are powerful choices that one may utilize along the pathway that is your journey should you be so drawn. Our energy is amplified when the souls of the lightworkers seek us out to join them on their quest for transcendence. We can be used in your meditations, carried in your pockets, placed on your desks at work or anywhere in your homes, and we can be worn on your physical body. The idea is in the intention, for you see, the stone alone does not create the transformation; it is the energy and vibration matched with intention and creation you design that opens the gateway to all that is possible. At a time when your world is in such turmoil and chaos, where it sometimes seems like the shadow side will prevail, and you often feel at your lowest, we are here to remind you that all shall be overcome with steadfast trust and belief in those who choose to live in their authentic truth. Remember that much is illusion and perception, therefore, it is important to focus on what you know to be truth. We come as a form of protection as well; we will protect your heart from that which would be of no benefit to you. We will protect your soul from that which may harm you. We will protect your spirit from the effects of the darkness around you. The negativity that may surround you is no match for our positive energetic vibration as we permeate your auric field to strengthen and uplift you. Transformation occurs when you seek out a new way of being. We will assist you with the manifestation of your dreams and ideas for your life. Your thoughts become your reality, indeed, so seek us out to assist you in training your thoughts only to support your desires. Take in our rich green color, allow it to absorb into your essence, let every cell lap it up like the last drop of water your body needs for refreshment. Our magnificent swirls provide an illustration for you as you mediate with us, showing you that prosperity and growth run deep throughout and are endless. Maintain your focus on what energy we bring to you and set your intention into our physical body as our ethereal body carries it to the universe to ignite the flames of passion and transcendence in your life. If you are seeking a completely transformative experience in your journey, bring Malachite into your life today.
Message from Spirit for Being Present
It would seem as if you are feeling lost and misguided at this particular juncture of your journey. Be still and know that this moment is but just one pause for respite; a resting place in between the stones that comprise your pathway of lessons and experiences. As you continue to move through the ebb and flow of reality vs illusion to the hidden truth deep within the recesses of your being, trust and know that every moment is leading you to the lost part of your “self” that you have been seeking. Your chosen pathway has been filled with strife, uncertainty, disillusionment and questioning – all for the greater good of developing a compassionate understanding of and for not only the human experience, but that of your very self as you are in this form. Had you not experienced the shadow side of mankind, you would not have realized the light side of existence. While these moments leave you feeling off-balance, insecure and hesitant in your movements forward, trust that all is as it is meant to be for the emergence of the self you are seeking. You carry it all within you, dearest one. Strength, compassion, unity, harmony, joy, and love. . . each and all are but of the purest essence of the divine being that you are. You have begun to recognize that when your moments of chaos and turmoil subside, you discover there is a lull in activity, thought and action. These are the periods of respite that come in order for balance to be restored; and are meant for the heart, soul, mind and body to rest. It is during these periods that we implore you to succumb to the willingness to just simply “be”; that is, allow for quiet time in nature; slow meditative walks outside, quiet moments of solitude; unplugged from the day-to-day busyness that exists in the culture of the world. Be mindful and in tune with what your thoughts and feelings are; listen to that inner spark of wisdom that is all-knowing about what it is that will be most helpful to you at this point in your journey. If something isn’t “working”, it is because you are finding yourself in a place where you feel you must “work” for it in order for it to “work”; this is counter-intuitive to the process of being in the moment, being present for your life, and quite simply “being”. The place you have been guided to reside in this moment is more than just the physical place you find yourself living; it is the place within your relationships you find yourself seeking solitude or companionship; action or rest; and external vs internal discovery. It is the mental space where you are choosing and placing your thoughts; it is the emotional space where you are feeling and responding; and it is the spiritual space in which you are seeking answers – all solely based upon the deepest rooted connection to that from which you came and that to which you desire to return. You have been led to this place solely to reconnect and recommit to YOU. The physicality of your existence; that is, where you live, the work you do, the relationships you foster. . . are not the sum of who you are; they are each components of the totality of an experience; none of which are designed and created to be the measure of the awareness of your existence unto yourself.
A Love Letter from my Higher Self (The Kelli Lynne within)
Growth comes through awareness and understanding. Understanding comes from remembering. It is always within – allowing yourself the freedom to embrace what you already know expands the energetic field that emanates from within you. For it is within this expansion that the truth springs forth – the truth that who you are, what you bring, and how you share all begins and flows out from the inner source that is pure and unconditional love. This is the brilliance of the divinity within. When you have opened your heart to the free-flowing light that comes from within; when you have ignited the spark of your remembrance; you recognize that this light is your direct connection to divinity and it illuminates and expands your pathway to encompass and illustrate the purpose of the journey.
When you are in harmony – one with self – you are implicitly connected with the source of your brilliance. By standing in this power – your power – you freely give of yourself in ways you cannot begin to see or realize; yet somehow – as if by magic – you feel, recognize and know. For you see dear ones, the very life you breathe from within touches any soul crossing your pathway. This is the magic – you are the magic. All it takes is one seed, one spark, planted in your wake as you move and flow through your day, your week, your years. . . each moment; one upon the other; building and expanding into the beautiful mosaic tapestry that is your lifetime. You have set yourselves upon this earth at this time to simply BE. Be the presence, be the spark, be the I AM of all that is. Your journey is yours alone – it matters not what others experience – it only matters that you live and walk in your truth.
It is in this truth you fulfill your destiny which resides as a living breathing aspect of your soul; this residence being that of the essence of unconditional and pure love. Love in the purest form swiftly flowing in as the waves crashing upon the shore; residing in the depths of “being”; as a still eddy amidst the swirling outer distractions. Flowing swiftly back out receding into the universe; filling the world with nothing but serenity, light and love. You love. You are loved. You. Are. Love.
The flow begins within – the heart shines as it expands and reaches out to the four corners of the earth. It is the strongest and brightest at its center for the center is that in which the divine connection resides. As each soul awakens, as each soul remembers, the spark is lit and the connection to divinity is revealed and remembered. The result is an illumination which burns brightly; becoming a beacon – a magnet – to those who cross paths with the soul emitting the spark. The circle has no beginning and no end. The circle is complete. This signifies the coming together and culmination of – the completeness of returning to – awareness – returning to wholeness. The light of the center is the light of the source. This is where and how it begins. Each experience, each memory, in essence, will expand the size as well as the brightness of the center. The impact is far-reaching – the firmer one stands in their truth – the deeper and broader the magnitude of this reaching. There are no limits – there are no boundaries – it illuminates in all directions and the circle widens. Each has their own peace of illumination connected to the one opening the pathway for the next and the circle widens – all encompassing of the earth’s existence. The rays become brighter and brighter as each becomes one and the fulfillment of the divine plan for creation is realized. There are no shadows within the rays – only on the outside looking in. As more are awakened to remembrance; the outside shadows are filled with light until the circle is complete. The illustration of X or cross as some will equate it with will dissipate. The expansion is increasing, the masses are awakening; complete wholeness within the self is being achieved and the knowing of oneness is accepted and embraced and shared. The Divine source is that from within – that which is the spark fully realized and shared. It is imperative these lights are not extinguished or hidden any longer; it is THE moment which brings forth an awakened existence. BE the center; BE the rays. BE.
Message from Malachite November (11) 21, 2021
Greetings from the depths of earth’s core, the very place where wisdom and knowledge of the ancients resides and is dispersed into the beings derived from the magnificent source created in to gemstones. I come to you today to share with you a message of great healing and great transformation. Humanity is in the process of dynamic growth and magnificent change, and I am here to assist those who choose to be a part of this transformative energy. There are many tools at your disposal for use in this process, and crystals and gemstones are powerful choices that one may utilize along the pathway that is your journey should you be so drawn. Our energy is amplified when the souls of the lightworkers seek us out to join them on their quest for transcendence. We can be used in your meditations, carried in your pockets, placed on your desks at work or anywhere in your homes, and we can be worn on your physical body. The idea is in the intention, for you see, the stone alone does not create the transformation; it is the energy and vibration matched with intention and creation you design that opens the gateway to all that is possible. At a time when your world is in such turmoil and chaos, where it sometimes seems like the shadow side will prevail, and you often feel at your lowest, we are here to remind you that all shall be overcome with steadfast trust and belief in those who choose to live in their authentic truth. Remember that much is illusion and perception, therefore, it is important to focus on what you know to be truth. We come as a form of protection as well; we will protect your heart from that which would be of no benefit to you. We will protect your soul from that which may harm you. We will protect your spirit from the effects of the darkness around you. The negativity that may surround you is no match for our positive energetic vibration as we permeate your auric field to strengthen and uplift you. Transformation occurs when you seek out a new way of being. We will assist you with the manifestation of your dreams and ideas for your life. Your thoughts become your reality, indeed, so seek us out to assist you in training your thoughts only to support your desires. Take in our rich green color, allow it to absorb into your essence, let every cell lap it up like the last drop of water your body needs for refreshment. Our magnificent swirls provide an illustration for you as you mediate with us, showing you that prosperity and growth run deep throughout and are endless. Maintain your focus on what energy we bring to you and set your intention into our physical body as our ethereal body carries it to the universe to ignite the flames of passion and transcendence in your life. If you are seeking a completely transformative experience in your journey, bring Malachite into your life today.
Message from Spirit for Being Present
It would seem as if you are feeling lost and misguided at this particular juncture of your journey. Be still and know that this moment is but just one pause for respite; a resting place in between the stones that comprise your pathway of lessons and experiences. As you continue to move through the ebb and flow of reality vs illusion to the hidden truth deep within the recesses of your being, trust and know that every moment is leading you to the lost part of your “self” that you have been seeking. Your chosen pathway has been filled with strife, uncertainty, disillusionment and questioning – all for the greater good of developing a compassionate understanding of and for not only the human experience, but that of your very self as you are in this form. Had you not experienced the shadow side of mankind, you would not have realized the light side of existence. While these moments leave you feeling off-balance, insecure and hesitant in your movements forward, trust that all is as it is meant to be for the emergence of the self you are seeking. You carry it all within you, dearest one. Strength, compassion, unity, harmony, joy, and love. . . each and all are but of the purest essence of the divine being that you are. You have begun to recognize that when your moments of chaos and turmoil subside, you discover there is a lull in activity, thought and action. These are the periods of respite that come in order for balance to be restored; and are meant for the heart, soul, mind and body to rest. It is during these periods that we implore you to succumb to the willingness to just simply “be”; that is, allow for quiet time in nature; slow meditative walks outside, quiet moments of solitude; unplugged from the day-to-day busyness that exists in the culture of the world. Be mindful and in tune with what your thoughts and feelings are; listen to that inner spark of wisdom that is all-knowing about what it is that will be most helpful to you at this point in your journey. If something isn’t “working”, it is because you are finding yourself in a place where you feel you must “work” for it in order for it to “work”; this is counter-intuitive to the process of being in the moment, being present for your life, and quite simply “being”. The place you have been guided to reside in this moment is more than just the physical place you find yourself living; it is the place within your relationships you find yourself seeking solitude or companionship; action or rest; and external vs internal discovery. It is the mental space where you are choosing and placing your thoughts; it is the emotional space where you are feeling and responding; and it is the spiritual space in which you are seeking answers – all solely based upon the deepest rooted connection to that from which you came and that to which you desire to return. You have been led to this place solely to reconnect and recommit to YOU. The physicality of your existence; that is, where you live, the work you do, the relationships you foster. . . are not the sum of who you are; they are each components of the totality of an experience; none of which are designed and created to be the measure of the awareness of your existence unto yourself.
A Love Letter from my Higher Self (The Kelli Lynne within)
Growth comes through awareness and understanding. Understanding comes from remembering. It is always within – allowing yourself the freedom to embrace what you already know expands the energetic field that emanates from within you. For it is within this expansion that the truth springs forth – the truth that who you are, what you bring, and how you share all begins and flows out from the inner source that is pure and unconditional love. This is the brilliance of the divinity within. When you have opened your heart to the free-flowing light that comes from within; when you have ignited the spark of your remembrance; you recognize that this light is your direct connection to divinity and it illuminates and expands your pathway to encompass and illustrate the purpose of the journey.
When you are in harmony – one with self – you are implicitly connected with the source of your brilliance. By standing in this power – your power – you freely give of yourself in ways you cannot begin to see or realize; yet somehow – as if by magic – you feel, recognize and know. For you see dear ones, the very life you breathe from within touches any soul crossing your pathway. This is the magic – you are the magic. All it takes is one seed, one spark, planted in your wake as you move and flow through your day, your week, your years. . . each moment; one upon the other; building and expanding into the beautiful mosaic tapestry that is your lifetime. You have set yourselves upon this earth at this time to simply BE. Be the presence, be the spark, be the I AM of all that is. Your journey is yours alone – it matters not what others experience – it only matters that you live and walk in your truth.
It is in this truth you fulfill your destiny which resides as a living breathing aspect of your soul; this residence being that of the essence of unconditional and pure love. Love in the purest form swiftly flowing in as the waves crashing upon the shore; residing in the depths of “being”; as a still eddy amidst the swirling outer distractions. Flowing swiftly back out receding into the universe; filling the world with nothing but serenity, light and love. You love. You are loved. You. Are. Love.